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ICS “Padre Pino Puglisi” is located in Buccinasco, SW Milan, Lombardy (Northern Italy) and consists of 2 pre primary schools, 2 primary schools and 1 secondary school of first degree. The two pre-primary schools launched a project of coding&robotics, the two primary schools have specific addresses: “Robbiolo” has just started a project of bilingual education and “Robarello” has the Senzazaino project and the secondary school is known for the certifications in English Language, CLIL and iPad classes. Robbiolo primary school has 394 students and 17 classes (with an average number of 23 students per class). Robarello primary school has 118 Ss and 5 classes (23 Ss/class).  The 85% of the teachers in both pre-primary schools are permanent (the best result in SW Milan). Laura Conti secondary school has 524 Ss, 23 classes, about 22 Ss/class and the 71% of permanent teachers (7th in the area). The majority of students come from a second immigration from Southern Italy: families succeeded in career and are very wealthy. There’s a number of immigrants working with the rich of the area and their sons and daughters are perfectly integrated with their peers. The percentage of adopted children living with families of the area and attending to their school is interesting. Headteacher Dr Antonella Lacapra invested on plurilingualism: by s.y. 2019/20 she launched a project of bilingual education in primary school and established a commission for Internationalism + a subcommission for Erasmus+. The curriculum of the school has such priorities:

  1. Bilingual education and CLIL.
  2. STEAM and ICT for education.
  3. Internationalism as a universal concept involving collective actions for active citizenship. Some teachers work on eTwinning and CLIL is a daily reality.


By taking part in this project, they could study the results of successful education systems and offer their expertise in CLIL and technoCLIL. They are ready to implement their skills in ICT for learning by integrating them in their curriculum and they’d love to promote STEAM(e) in a cross-curricular attitude.

The teachers mostly involved are led by Angela PANZARELLA, referent for Internationalism, who has already hosted 3 job shadowings for bilingualism and CLIL. Angela is the teacher in charge of running the project. She is an expert in bilingual education/second language acquisition, CLIL and technoCLIL, a teacher trainer, and an awarded eTwinning member (Quality Labels, multilateral seminars). The other two teachers are Sabrina VALENTI and Francesca MORI, who are responsible for different aspects of the Project, as the management of the grants and communication with the administrative staff. The teachers will organize the dissemination and a direct report to the Regional School Office and the EUROPE network of schools, being our comprehensive in the net.