ICS Puglisi Multiplier Event

Home / ICS Puglisi Multiplier Event

November 30th 2022 has been an important date for the whole community of Buccinasco, SW Milan.

Teachers Angela Panzarella, Francesca Mori and Sabrina Valenti from ICS Padre Pino Puglisi welcomed colleagues, families, students, politicians, journalists and stakeholders from the neighbourhood and not only to present the outputs of Erasmus+ Project “We R The World”.

In front of an interested audience, the teachers started the dance with an engaging brainstorming with Mentimeter app: “What comes to your mind when we say sustainability?” was the starting point.

Soon afterwards there was a presentation of the Teaching Guide and the Gamified Platform, the two main outputs of the project.

The speech of the Headteacher Antonella Lacapra first, of Mayor Rino Pruiti and of former council member Grazia Campese added credits to the importance of the work made throughout the years dedicated to the project.

Great was the participation of the students and the families, too.

The occasion was also lucky to present the outputs to other European countries represented by a group of visiting teachers, partners in another Erasmus+ project.

The presentation ended with a final Kahoot!, where all the participants got involved in an exciting game about the topics presented.

Many questions arose after the event, because different people asked for more opportunities for schools and students - we’ll see what will happen next.